Are you ready?

do you Have what it takes to hit a target over a kilometre away with a high-end military grade sniper rifle?

Call us on +44 (0) 20 8145 3688

to find out more and book your place

newberry london presents:

Newberry shooting Experience days

Ryan Snell at a Newberry London Experience Day laid down behind a rifle

Perfect for Beginners And Experienced SHooters Alike

Are you looking to improve your shooting skills? Look no further. The ultimate shooting experience with Ady Newberry is located at the exclusive, world-renowned, Bisley Shooting Range.

Whether you're a complete beginner, that has never shot a high-powered military rifle before, or a seasoned shooter, looking to better understand how to compensate for wind and other external factors, Adrian has the expertise and experience to help you.

Newberry London experience day with Rachel learning how to shoot targets up to 1000m away

Learn from the best

Ady Newberry has been teaching people how to shoot for over 10 years. With his extensive knowledge and expertise, he’s able to help novice shooters become comfortable with shooting a rifle. And helps experienced shooters become even more proficient with their aim. Ady has taken complete novices who have never fired a rifle in their lives and taught them how to hit targets over 900 metres away. With his advanced instruction and guidance, you will quickly be able to master the art of shooting.

the perfect setting

The exclusive Bisley Shooting Range is the perfect environment for shooters of all levels to practice their craft. This private venue offers plenty of space and amenities, where you’ll be able to practice your shooting with ease. And with Ady’s help, you'll have the tools and knowledge to become an even better shooter in no time.

Newberry London - Ady Newberry shows Laura how to line up the target

One to one coaching or small group options

Choose to enjoy your day solo and get Adrian's full and undivided personal attention and instruction, or bring up to 5 friends or colleagues along to enjoy the day together and see just how high up the leader board you can reach. This experience is perfect for corporate away days.

A True Sniper Experience

You'll be using Accuracy International’s widely acclaimed “Finest Sniper Rifle in the World” which means you get a real-life sniper experience, honing your skills on steel targets up to 1000 metres away.

Ady Newberry prepares rifle for attendees at a Newberry London Shooting Experience Day

Meet your Instructor

You’re in safe hands. Ady Newberry is an internationally acclaimed, award winning, ex-military marksman. He is three time UK NRA Imperial CSR Champion and has represented Great Britain multiple times at the World Championships, as a member of Team Accuracy International.

After a successful military career, Ady specialised as a ballistician and professional marksman. As well as marksmanship coaching, he also trains law enforcement, close protection officers, and military personnel across the globe.

What can you expect from YOUR day?

Here’s what a group of friends that recently attended a Newberry Experience Day had to say…